> 文章列表 > 大年过后能拜年吗的英文




During the Spring Festival, we can receive hongbao (red envelopes) when we visit our relatives and friends, and we can also enjoy delicious food.


The English translation of \"到了大年初一我们去拜年\" is \"On the first day of the Lunar New Year, we go to visit and greet each other.\"


The Chinese translation of \"拜年\" is \"paying New Year\'s greetings.\" During the Chinese Spring Festival, relatives and friends visit each other and exchange New Year greetings.


The English translation of \"拜年\" is \"New Year visits.\" The English translation of \"利是\" is \"red envelope\" and the English translation of \"年夜饭\" is \"New Year\'s Eve dinner.\" \"大年三十\" can be translated as \"the thirtieth day of the Lunar New Year.\"


The English translation of \"拜年\" is \"New Year greetings.\" It is a common phrase used to express greetings and well-wishes during the New Year.

英语翻译We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. What do Chinese people do on New Year\'s Eve?

We refer to the Chinese New Year as the Spring Festival. On New Year\'s Eve, Chinese people are busy shopping for groceries and cleaning their houses. There is a big reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve, followed by staying up all night to welcome the arrival of the new year. The New Year\'s Eve signifies that the Lunar New Year is about to come, which is always an exciting time for Chinese people.

Also means that the Lunar New Year is coming soon! Haha!\" 2. \"I\'m going to visit my grandma\'s house first and receive blessings from the elders, so I can have a prosperous year.\"

1. \"You might ask, why is the off-year so exciting? Because the off-year is the prelude to bumper years, which means a year of abundant blessings and good luck.\"


Here are some English words related to the New Year: 1. 春节: The Spring Festival2. 农历: Lunar calendar3. 正月: Lunar January4. 除夕: New Year\'s Eve


During the New Year, there are several activities we can do:1. 放鞭炮: Let off firecrackers2. 贴春联: Paste Spring Festival couplets3. 在电视上观看春节晚会: Watch the Spring Festival gala on TV4. 与家人共度美好时光: Spend quality time with family


Here are some short New Year greetings in English:1. I wish you a happy new year.2. I wish you good health and a happy new year.3. May the new year bring you joy and prosperity.