> 文章列表 > 春节要做哪些小事英语









当被问及春节人们一般会做什么时,可以回答说:“During the Spring Festival, people will gather with their families to have a big dinner on New Year\'s Eve. They will enjoy delicious traditional food, such as dumplings, fish, and candies. Besides the dinner, people will also give and receive red envelopes as a symbol of good luck and blessings. In addition, they will participate in various cultural activities, such as dragon and lion dances, to celebrate the arrival of the new year. It is a joyful time for everyone to come together and enjoy the festive atmosphere.\"

Spring Festival是什么意思

Spring Festival是中国传统节日——春节的英语翻译。作为名词使用时,注意需要加上定冠词“the”。春节是中国人最重要的节日之一,也是全国性的公共假日。它通常在农历新年的正月初一庆祝,标志着农历的开始。在春节期间,人们会进行各种庆祝活动,包括家人聚餐、舞龙舞狮、放鞭炮和互赠红包等。这个节日带有浓厚的传统和文化意义。












Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. The date of the festival varies each year, as it is based on the Chinese lunar calendar. However, it usually falls between late January and mid-February. The festival lasts for 15 days, with each day having its own significance and activities.

During the Spring Festival, there are numerous activities that I often participate in. First and foremost, I love celebrating with my family by having a big dinner on New Year\'s Eve. We gather together and enjoy delicious food, such as dumplings, which symbolize wealth and good fortune.

Additionally, I always look forward to receiving red envelopes, which contain money, as gifts from my parents, grandparents, and relatives. It\'s an exciting tradition that represents blessings and good luck.

Another activity that I enjoy during the Spring Festival is visiting relatives and friends. We exchange greetings and well wishes for the new year, and it gives me a chance to catch up with loved ones whom I may not see often. We also exchange small gifts as a token of our appreciation and friendship.

Furthermore, I like to watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. It is a grand variety show that showcases traditional Chinese performances, including singing, dancing, acrobatics, and comedy sketches. It is a fantastic way to immerse myself in the festive atmosphere and enjoy the cultural traditions of China.

Overall, the Spring Festival is a time of joy, reunion, and celebration. It\'s a special occasion to spend quality time with loved ones, embrace Chinese culture, and welcome the new year with hopes and aspirations.


This year\'s Chinese New Year will be very exciting! The Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is celebrated by nearly a quarter of the world\'s population. It is a time of joy, family reunion, and cultural traditions.

During the festival, I will engage in various activities with my family and friends. Firstly, we will thoroughly clean our house, which represents sweeping away the old and welcoming the new. It is believed to bring good luck and fortune for the coming year.

Next, we will decorate our home with red lanterns, couplets, and other traditional decorations. Red is considered an auspicious color in Chinese culture and is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. The vibrant red decorations create a festive atmosphere throughout the house.

One of the highlights of the festival for me is the reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve. It is a time for family members to gather together, share a sumptuous feast, and strengthen the bonds of kinship. We will enjoy traditional dishes such as fish, dumplings, and sticky rice cakes, which have symbolic meanings of wealth, prosperity, and a sweet life.

During the holiday, I will also participate in various cultural activities. One of them is the lion dance, where performers dress as lions and showcase their skills in a lively and colorful performance. It is believed that the lion dance can bring good luck and drive away evil spirits. Additionally, I may attend temple fairs, where I can experience traditional folk customs and enjoy various forms of entertainment, such as traditional performances, games, and local delicacies.

Lastly, I will give and receive red envelopes, known as \"hongbao,\" which contain money. It is a gesture of good wishes and blessings. I will visit relatives and friends, engage in pleasant conversations, and exchange heartfelt greetings for the new year.

Overall, the Chinese New Year is a time of joy, cultural heritage, and shared happiness. It is a precious opportunity to celebrate with loved ones, embrace traditions, and look forward to a prosperous and auspicious year ahead.

How do you get ready for Spring Festival?

The Spring Festival is one of the most important holidays for the Chinese people. Before the Spring Festival arrives, there are several preparations that need to be done.

Firstly, cleaning the house is an essential task. It is believed that cleaning the house helps to remove the bad luck of the previous year and make room for good luck. Every corner of the house is thoroughly cleaned, and unwanted items are discarded.

Secondly, decorating the house is another important step. Red lanterns, paper cuttings of auspicious symbols, and couplets are hung up to create a festive atmosphere. The house is adorned with wishes for prosperity, good fortune, and happiness.

Next, New Year\'s Eve dinner preparation begins. Families gather together to prepare a lavish feast that includes various traditional dishes. Dumplings, fish, and glutinous rice cakes are a must-have for the dinner, as they symbolize prosperity, abundance, and a sweet life. The dinner table is decorated with fruits and sweets, signifying good luck and a prosperous year ahead.

Lastly, new clothes and shoes are bought for the festival. Wearing new clothes represents a fresh start and good luck for the new year. Red is the most popular color, as it is believed to bring good fortune and happiness.

In conclusion, preparing for the Spring Festival involves cleaning the house, decorating, preparing a special dinner, and buying new clothes. It is a time of renewal, joy, and anticipation for the new year.

Spring Festival对中国人来说是重要的

The Spring Festival, also known as the