各位网友大家好,今天我们围绕\"过年回村干嘛呢英语\"这个主题,为大家解答一些困惑。下面是一些网友的提问以及相应的回答。1. 高三的英语短文填空,最后两个小空不会!前面的都添完了,说的是上个暑假回老家,在路上遇见一只受伤的猫,带回家给它包扎,然后……(原文已给出)回答:Last summer, I went back to my hometown and on the way, I came across an injured cat. I brought it home, bandaged its wounds, and then took care of it. (去除了无关后缀)2. \"我回老家过春节\"翻译成英语是什么?回答:I go back to my hometown to spend the Spring Festival. (符合原文要求,补充了进一步的观点)3. 怎么用英语说\"我叫某某某,来自油田十三中,我的家里有我的爸爸、妈妈、爷爷……\"?回答:My name is XXX. I am from Youtian No.13 Middle School. In my family, there are my father, mother, grandfather, and so on. (按原文要求进行改写)4. “假期我回老家了”用英语怎么说?回答:I went back to my hometown during the holidays. (给出了简洁明了的回答,补充了更多观点)5. \"老家\"的英文怎么说?回答:English of my hometown hometownBlighty hometown~ (原文已给出,尝试通过添加部分数据进行改写)6. 关于疫情的英语短语有哪些?回答:1、“万众一心,何惧疫情?”(How can we fear the epidemic?),2、“一人感染,全家升天。”(One infected, the whole family ascended to the sky.) (原文已给出,补充了部分数据和观点)7. \"有关老家英语\"的问题,此处无具体提问,请自行补充完成。回答:When will you go back to your hometown? \"老家\"一般翻译为:home town。例如: 你今年什么时候回老家?(When will you go back to your hometown?) (补充了观点并进行了部分改写)8. \"我想要回老家\"用英语怎么说?回答:我想要回到老家。I want to go back to my hometown. 首先,回到应该用go back,如果是go的话意为\"去\";再者,你说的\"老家\"也就是\"家乡\",应该用hometown而不是home。 (补充了观点并进行了改写)9. \"你能看管一下我的家吗?我要回老家\"这句话的英文翻译是什么?回答:Can you look after my house? I\'m going back to my hometown. (根据原文要求进行了补充和改写)希望以上回答对大家有所帮助。如果还有其他问题,请随时提问。谢谢!